Riding for the Brand

Even though Wolf Creek Angus Ranch is in the business of producing seedstock, and its direct customers are primarily in the commercial cattle production business, we believe all segments of the industry must remember that they're all really in the business of producing beef for the world's consumers. And, consumers are becoming increasingly finicky, with the greatest demand and, consequently, greatest profit potential being for beef products that are tender, juicy and flavorful. That's why the majority of the A.I. sires we use have strongly positive EPDs for marbling, the primary contributor to beef palatability. One reason Wolf Creek Angus Ranch pays close attention to carcass traits stems from its close association with the 46-year-old Certified Angus Beef (CAB) Program, and we'd be glad to help you learn more about how commercial cattle producers can reap rewards from being involved with this highly successful branded beef marketing enterprise.
Approximately 85% of the U.S. fed cattle population is processed at packing plants licensed to market Certified Angus Beef TM products, and
over 1.237 billion pounds were marketed during 2024 as Certified Angus Beef product throughout the US and in 55 additional countries.
This translates into nearly 16 million head of Angus and Angus-type fed cattle purchased annually by U.S. packers licensed to market Certified Angus Beef products. And, with the increased use of value-based pricing "grids" between feeders and packers, most U.S. packers offer premiums for cattle meeting CAB Program specifications on the rail, with significant premiums (nearly $100 per head) being paid to the cattle producers who sold their finished cattle on various grids during 2024.
This brand represents more than a mere "niche" market and a significant advantage over other branded beef marketing programs or alliances which work through only one or two packing plants, and it provides a wider marketing window with less risk to producers who would like to have more than only one buyer bidding on their cattle.
For more information about the CAB Program, contact: Certified Angus Beef, LLC, Supply Development Division, at 1-800-225-2333 or CertifiedAngusBeef.com.
Approximately 85% of the U.S. fed cattle population is processed at packing plants licensed to market Certified Angus Beef TM products, and
over 1.237 billion pounds were marketed during 2024 as Certified Angus Beef product throughout the US and in 55 additional countries.
This translates into nearly 16 million head of Angus and Angus-type fed cattle purchased annually by U.S. packers licensed to market Certified Angus Beef products. And, with the increased use of value-based pricing "grids" between feeders and packers, most U.S. packers offer premiums for cattle meeting CAB Program specifications on the rail, with significant premiums (nearly $100 per head) being paid to the cattle producers who sold their finished cattle on various grids during 2024.
This brand represents more than a mere "niche" market and a significant advantage over other branded beef marketing programs or alliances which work through only one or two packing plants, and it provides a wider marketing window with less risk to producers who would like to have more than only one buyer bidding on their cattle.
For more information about the CAB Program, contact: Certified Angus Beef, LLC, Supply Development Division, at 1-800-225-2333 or CertifiedAngusBeef.com.